Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 181 (I'm Not the Kind of Girl That Will Throw My Knickers on Stage but Just Know that You Rock My World Week)

Hey everyone! Sorry for not posting last night but I was preparing something special.

This is my first time ever trying video ...Please be patient with my novice production!


And here is Iggy!



giddy99 said...

That is freakin' fantastic!!!

giddy99 said...

That's freakin' fantastic!

Sway said...

Oh. My. God!
I'm dying! This is amazing!

jen duncan said...

INCREDIBLE! I am really SO That was a lot of work you did to show us your process. Thank you!

Malwina Marchwicka said...

great blog!
pretty things!

Carling said...

Your a good way!! I can't believe that you stitch those without drawing on the fabric.

MZ said...

I'm always so amazed at the amount of detail you stitch. Totally jaw dropping!

Bonny said...

So Cool!!!!! You are truly amazing :)

Annie B said...

Very cool video, I love it!!! ( 1 teensy thing though - the video intro says Day 141 but it is Day 181 : P )

vintagevixenarts said...

You are flippin amazing! And I love that I read earlier that your fabric stash comes from my fave source for vintage everything, Value Village! Beside's awesome bag's of fabric and notion's, I find the best 50's-70's pattern's. Thank's again, for your inspiring art!

Mel said...

oh geez girl, that must have taken forever to do! Great great concept to pull off tho! I can't believe you do the face last... because if it was me - I'd get to that last stage and screw it up I'm sure! I admire your bravery/skill as usual!
Mel ;o)
needle and nest design

Colleen said...

I love this! The process is so cool to see!

Hannah Rosengren said...

Oh my gosh I love this!!! It was so unbelievably cool to watch it progress and see what order you did things in. thanks for sharing!!

miss teacups said...

This. is. amazing.