Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 176 (I'm Not the Kind of Girl That Will Throw My Knickers on Stage but Just Know that You Rock My World Week)

REM front man Michael Stipe

There is no one I would rather go "Night Swimming" with....


Anonymous said...

that's my favorite REM song. :) love this.

Batty said...

I love the detail you do for faces!

Mel said...

..ah! That's my 'emo' song when I really want to have a moment. ;o)
You are quite the queen of stitching pop culture in all forms Jen - your work keeps growing to show it!
Do you have 'stitchers elbow' yet?
Thinking of you! xo

Rebecca Reynolds said...

Hey lovely!

One of my all-time favourite songs! So moving and exquisitely beautiful. Those strings just make my heart ache (in a good way!). As usual, phenomenal work!!

- Rebecca