Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 188

I am going away!!!

Woo Hoo!

I am going away to a cabin for some R&R ( or as I like to call it, "Working Without Kids, laundry, cooking, cleaning... and all that other jazz").

I will still be stitching and will post when I am back in a couple of days.

And no, this is not because "Club Awesome" tossed me out. I will be awesome all on my own. (Sniff, Sniff)


Rae - Say It Aint So said...

i hope you have a great time!

Aidyl Ewoh said...

Have fun when you’re away!

thursday said...

Have fun Jen!! Maybe when you come back we can start a group called 'Club Sorta Okay"

Mimi said...

yay for getting some r&r! i hope you have a fantastic time! :)

<3, Mimi
Fashion To Figure Giveaway: Win any item $30 or less
Poshlocket Giveaway: Win a Shelly Fabric Choker

Colleen said...

Yaya~enjoy some relax time girl!