
Thursday, July 19, 2012

You've Gotta Ask Yourself One Question... Do I Feel Lucky?

I am so excited about this giveaway. It is a custom work of anything you want. It can be a picture of you, a loved one, your cat, a restitched piece of one of the 365 portraits that have already been grabbed up!

Here are the specifics:

Mandatory entry:

*You must be a subscriber of 365 Lucky Days
*Give me a big cheering on in the comment
section of this post. Your kind and encouraging words have kept me going 300 plus days and its all I need to finish it!
Additional entries:

*Follow Lucky Jackson on Twitter and tweet the following message:
I want to win an original  custom 365 Lucky Jackson embroidery on @luckyjjackson
leave another comment saying that you did so.

*Pin your favorite embroidery work  featured in the 365 on Pinterest  and leave one more comment saying you Pinned!

Giveaway ends next Thursday the 26th. Who knows, maybe it will be your lucky day.


  1. omigosh omigosh... was totally just dreaming up how sweet it would be to have my crew stitched by you!!
    Great giveaway you talented wonder.. the end is in sight - you CAN DO EEEEET!
    Mel ;o)

  2. annnnd I just pinned you - which you'd see on my board... the typewriter has always been a fav!

  3. I subscribe to you on my Google Reader! I would love a portrait of me and my fella!
    Watch this video- it will cheer you up, I love it!

    Tara O.
    taraophotos at yahoo dot com

  4. I follow you on twitter and I posted about the giveaway!

    Tara O.
    taraophotos at yahoo dot com

  5. New Moon New Luck???

    I DEFINITELY want one of your lovely lovely pieces. You are super mega talented....and you're so close to the finish line!!!

    Just keep swimming, just keep swimming....


  6. I follow your blog I think via GFC.

    You can DO IT!!!

    I've truly enjoyed watching these pieces come through my blog reader.

  7. I also pinned a fav....


  8. Your work is amazing and I would love to win!

  9. I have to try my luck with this giveaway - the prize really is too good to pass up!

    As for the well wishes...
    I feel so so privileged to be able to watch as you do this project! I am in awe of how good each and every piece is, and your aesthetic/sense of design/colors is absolutely PERFECT. Keep up the incredible work!! <333 I am following you via GFC (and have been for a little while)! Also, if you need my email, it is in my about me page ^^

  10. I have to try my luck with this giveaway - the prize really is too good to pass up!

    As for the well wishes...
    I feel so so privileged to be able to watch as you do this project! I am in awe of how good each and every piece is, and your aesthetic/sense of design/colors is absolutely PERFECT. Keep up the incredible work!! <333 I am following you via GFC (and have been for a little while)! Also, if you need my email, it is in my about me page ^^

  11. (sorry my first comment went through twice!)

    I am following you on twitter + tweeted about the giveaway!

  12. I pinned my favorites here!:

  13. i've enjoyed your project so much. Every last one has made me smile or laugh out loud. Thats been an amazing tonic, we have had some dark days this year. Thank you for being so talented, witty, clever and now generous.

  14. I follow you through Google Reader and I LOVE all your stitching - and your taste in movies (Wes Anderson rocks!)

    Keep going Lucky, you're AWESOME!!!

    Chloe xx

  15. I first saw your work in Frankie and was blown away. I thought embroidery was all ribbon roses and French knots. Your work is inspiring and I love seeing it come through my reader so keep up the good work! Am crossing all of my fingers and toes and will be wishing on every first star i see in the hopes of winning!!

  16. I just did the Twitter thing :) xx

  17. Just pinned the gorgeous Ron Burgundy ;)

  18. Amazing work - you've done a great job...I'm sure it'll feel fantastic to have a little break!!

  19. I also pinned :-)

  20. Do I feel lucky you ask?
    Yeah I'm feeling lucky!
    Unfortunately I don't have twitter of pinterest (just protecting myself from too much 'internet-time' ;)), so one chance for me please.

    And for the cheering on: I LOVE YOUR WORK!!! ALL OF THEM!! (i really do you know :))

  21. Okay, this was one of my favorite mornings this summer, me sitting with mu huge cup (read:bowl) of tea, reading through new posts on my Reader... And there was several posts of 365 Lucky Days Goodness! With lots of new favorites too. All that Mad Men love, and Book love and... :D

    I just had to pin Public Library. I think that's my new favorite, just because my book load always looks like a pile too whenever I come home from the library. :D

  22. I followed you on twitter and tweeted. @juliarweaver

  23. I LOVE your stuff. Not like, LOVEEEE! I would love to win one of your fantastic pieces.

  24. And I have pinned previously and again!!

  25. I subscribe! And I have nothing but cheers for you. What you are doing is the bomb!

  26. Just discovered you via Pinterest and it
    made my day! I have started following you via Google Reader. Thanks for the chance to win!

  27. I follow! Subscribe to email...thanks for sharing your gorgeous pieces, I love your second Bruce probably the best!

  28. I have pinned quite a few of your creations by now, but ernest was the latest addition:

    Good luck to meeeeee!


  29. I love reading your blog, your work is so beautiful and inspiring!

  30. I love reading your blog! Your work is so beautiful and inspiring!

  31. I tweeted also:

  32. What a kind giveaway. I'd love one of your pieces for our little lady's nursery. And really, you inspire me daily with this project. Being one who isn't easily motivated I really admire your dedication to such a project and love seeing the different places it has taken you and the opportunities and exposure that has happened. You are amazing, truly, and I hope you'll continue brining this wonderful work into the world.

  33. You're past the half way point! Your brain is full of wonderful themes, and by now the daily creation is a fabulous habit. You can do it, you are creative, smart and fabulous!

    go, go GO!

  34. I am a subscriber and LOVE your work. I own your Royal Couple prints which I see every morning when I wake up and every evening going to sleep. They make me smile as all your work does. The Arrested Development are also some of my favorite. I think we have the same taste in entertainment. You are amazing and so is this giveaway!

  35. I have pinned some of my favorites!

  36. Your work has inspired me to get back into embroidery - I love seeing what you come up with!

  37. Your amazing artwork and immaculate stitching aside, your tenacity is SO very impressive! A lot of "365 Day" projects fall to the wayside, but you're DOING IT! You ROCK. :)

  38. I tweeted!

  39. I am always amazed by your beautiful work. I adored the Mad Men pieces and all the female comedians (Janeane!) so much. I love your style and your stitching and sketching talents are awe-inspiring -- you capture so much with just a few strands of thread. I love it.

  40. I love your stuff and follow your blog! It would be totally amazing to win!

  41. My favorite (that was DIFFICULT to choose just one, btw) has been pinned!

  42. You are seriously an inspiration! Your creativity is definitely something I strive for! I can't wait to see the whole years worth of hoops!

  43. I pinned one of my favorites long ago here -

  44. I love your series! I came on only recently but have been adoring the quirky characters and exceptional stitching. Have you done a Rushmore illustration?

  45. Sent a tweet via @saylor_made :-)

  46. Also pinned a winking Bill Murray piece!

  47. Your work is inspiring, amusing, and pretty dang impressive. Keep it up! :)

  48. Tweeted!

  49. Pinned one of my favorites-

  50. I follow via GFC. Keep up the good work. Your stitchery is awesome!

  51. I am following you on Twitter and I tweeted about the giveaway! So cool!

  52. I pinned Day 26 Marilyn. I love her!

  53. pinned, and I follow you everywhere!

  54. This would be awesome! At least once a week, I waste an hour on the computer trying to get a picture of my kids to work as a line drawing. I can't figure out how to make it work without drawing it myself. You are amazing! I love this project and it makes my day when I see your embroidery pop up in my reader!

  55. Seriously stunning work - massively inspired ... about to tweet and pin too!

  56. And have tweeted [@julietillyflop]

  57. I've loved watching this project, I've been watching on Flickr since the beginning, but just joined your site today, woohoo! Your talent and ability to keep your momentum and keep this project going floor me. You, my dear, are AWESOME!

    I'm off to pin my favorite! Be back soon!

  58. I can't decide between these two, they're my favorites!

    and because Lloyd Dobbler... yeah.

  59. I've been subscribed to your blog via Google Reader for awhile now, and I LOVE your work! Seriously, I like pretty much all the same movies/tv shows and pop culture references, so I would love to have one of your works in my house! A custom one of me and my husband would be incredible, and I'm already eyeing a few for my baby's nursery (our first kid is due in December!) I can't wait to see what you do over the next 63 days or so!

  60. This has gotta be one of my favorites:

    Hope you get to see Moonrise Kingdom soon! I'd be happy if you devoted 2 weeks worth to it, and I'd probably also go into debt once you put those in the shop!

  61. Oh wow, winning this would be a dream come true! I am of course a subscriber and I am so inspired and in love with all of your work!

  62. I pinned your Tim Gunn piece!

  63. It would be my lucky day. :) I love a lot of your stuff. <3

  64. Oh man.. I would love to win this one!
    Just a few weeks ago I was thinking of contacting you about a custom order of my husband on his vintage honda wearing his sparkly gold helmet.. It would be a true HONOR to have your art on one of my walls.

  65. wow this is amazing, i would love to have one of your works, they are so beautiful and contain such a lovely level of detail and simplicity!

  66. I think your work is simply amazing....i look forward to seeing the new pieces....
    keep up the amazing and beautiful work

  67. as i have said before, your work is everything i wish my embroidery work could be. you are incredible!

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. You are awe inspiring, I admire every piece you make and look forward to your new posts. Its hard to believe someone can be so talented. You are on the home straight of a fantastic achievement...we are all with you cheering you on. A custom piece? Now that would be a prized possession!!

  70. A very kind giveaway, simply amazing! x

  71. OF COURSE I follow you and I am totally one of your biggest fans. I know you'll be cheering, but I will be so bummed when this project is over and I don't get to see your work as often anymore!

  72. Your work is so amazing! Would love to win a custom piece!

  73. omg omg HYPERVENTILATING. I would LOVE a custom Lucky piece!!! Amazing giveaway!! I admire your work so much- it is so unique and beautiful. I have the piece with the floral background (the same fabric as your recent Bill Murray one) with the t-strap shoes on it- I adore it! I am always showing my husband your new pieces when I'm catching up on blogs. Your ingenuity and perseverance is so impressive!

  74. i've pinned you before. love your work always,,,

  75. I've been following your blog with bloglovin' but now signed up with friend connect too :) Your work is very inspiring, I love all of the series they are always delightful to see. Would be amazing to win a custom embroidery - very stoked about the opportunity :)
    I've blogged about this giveaway on my Idle Needle blog and facebooked it too.

  76. Also follow you on twitter now, and have tweeted about the giveaway :)

  77. These are always SO WONDERFUL, and a highlight of my google reader. Your talent is unreal. And humor (which is equally important :-) As a diehard Springsteen fan, I seriously approve that you have done 2!


  78. Pinned Bruce to my wall!

  79. I'm not sure WHY I wasn't officially following your blog already! Haha. I definitely fixed that!!

    I looooooove all of the pieces that you have done. You've got some mad skill! & really make me want to start embroidering things. I can knit & crochet, but they can't fill my walls up! Haha. I started an "art wall" in my bedroom & I would love to have one of your pieces on it. Okay, more like 5. Hahaha!

    Last year I decided to celebrate all of the "weird" holidays. But I kind of got un-motivated and just stopped doing it. But I wish I stuck with it, or planned it out better, or something! Because I think it would have been a lot of fun to have finished. SO, what I'm saying is, you've come SO far in your 365 days that you HAVE to finish! You will be so freaking proud of yourself for having accomplished something os awesome. & I know you can do it! It can be totally hard to keep something going, but I think you have it in you to finish it!

    Okay, now that I've written an entire chapter in your comments... I think it's time to post this, hahah!

  80. Just followed ya on twitter & tweeted! (Although I hope no one else sees it, hahaha! ;) I'm greedy! haha.)

  81. Just pinned your latest piece! Love it! I'm probably gunna be pinning a few more! haha.

  82. that is awesome! i've been a follower since about day 50 i think, and i can't wait for you to revel the rest of the project! and DANG i would love to win a piece!

  83. This is so sweet of you! I adore your work, you are so incredibly talented. Oh, and I follow you :)

  84. Wow! Seeing this giveaway totally made my day. LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR WORK! I first saw you in Frankie Magazine and have been an avid follower ever since :)
    I was so terribly excited when I saw your "Arrested Development" series that I think I've pinned nearly every single one, and it has also inspired me and a good friend/fellow Bluth fan to do some Arrested Development themed craftwork!!

  85. What a lovely give away!

    I am following your blog from the other side of the world (Denmark). And I cheer you on BIG TIME!! You make such beautiful things :-)

  86. I literally squealed out loud (tres girly) when I saw you were doing a giveaway of one of your amazing works of art!
    I've been following since back in early double digits (your Steve McQueen blew my mind!), and I love seeing each and every new piece you do! You have inspired me to really get into embroidery and opened up my eyes are to how many different ways there are to do it - not the standard roses on a hankie haahaha! I'm currently in the middle of doing the Vinyl Love pattern you sent me - I am in love with it!
    Not to jinx my entry but if I won, I already know which of the many I'd have to narrow it down between :)
    Lucky, you are an inspiration, a talented artist, and a super rad lady! Keep it up - theres only a couple of groups of 10 left!!! GO LUCKY!

    Ps - Of course I'm a follower!

  87. You bet your stitchy butt I tweeted this comp!
    Sway xxx

  88. And last, but not least, I pinned 3 - one from the blog, the shop, and the Flickr.
    Here they are:

    K - all of my fingers and toes are crossed, and the wishful thinking has begun :)
    Sway xxx

  89. Hello Lucky!
    Your work is stunning and powerful and I hope you never stop. I check in everyday to see what you're up to!
    Thank you for adding your art to the world!

  90. I pinned Lily :)


  91. Wooohoooo! [cheering you on, of course!]

    I'm a follower, and I've loved seeing your work here and there all over the blogosphere!

    - Lindsay

  92. Would love to have any one of your embroideries up in our new home in Portland, OR. You are so talented, every idea you come up with is so unique and original. Keep doing what you're doing! I don't want so see the 365 days come to an end :( thanks for the giveaway!

  93. Your work has been such an inspiration! I look forward to every single post of yours. Keep up all the great work - there are so many out there who are inspired by you!

  94. I'm an embroiderer too and I LOVE your work. A stitched portrait would be a fun touch for my wedding next year :)

  95. I tweeted (although reluctantly because I hate to lessen my chances of winning - haha) about this awesome giveaway.

  96. I've also pinned one of your Don Draper pieces. I can't pick just one favorite, but this one is up there.

  97. Hi, your works are amazing...! I've been wondering how to do such embroidery. Yours are my inspirations.

    I definitely thrill with the giveaway, I already subscribe, and wish to have your great work.

    Thank you, thank you!

  98. I'm following you everywhere, and have been! I would love, love, love anything from Arrested Development, Tony Soprano or Deb Harry! I await your emails nightly to see who is next! Leann

  99. I follow you through Google Friend Connect!

    Your work is amazing. Seriously. I've been a fan since the creation of this blog, and look forward to seeing what you embroider every day.


    mzbhaving at hotmail dot com

  100. I've tweeted about the giveaway.



  101. How have i not entered yet?!?!?! Oh id swoon over one of the people from friends! Maybe ross? Love love love you!


  102. Okay, I think it's about time I enter your awesome giveaway!

    Jen, how amazing are you to create one of these beauties each and everyday of the year? Fully and completely amazing!!! You're almost there! So close to the end! YOU CAN DO IT! We're all rooting for you girl! ♥

  103. I pinned your adorable bugs bunny and batman mask embroidery many weeks ago on Pinterest. Now I'm off to pin Pee Wee!

  104. I was waiting since the announsment, because I couldn't find the right words. You see, your blog for me is not just an inspiration. Because of you and your works I start to believe in myself as a handmaker. And you show me what's hoop :))
    I just really hope that after 365 days there will be more 365 and more.. and more! ;)
    If I win I'll ask you to stitch my portret or Rick and Ilsa from Casablanca (I'm 26 years old and I've seen this film just now, it's truly amazing!)

  105. I saw your work in Frankie magazine whilst I was in work and it really brightened up my day after having to deal with very mean customers! I also do Illustration at ECA, maybe if you ever fancy doing collaboration, give me a shout!

    Twitter: @griffindraws

    Bye from a small scottish asian
    Laura x

  106. Maybe I'll be lucky last! Love them all! So brilliant, all my favourite musos, shows, toys and everything! I just cannot choose a favourite. Your stamina and creativity is amazing.
